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Reiki Level 1
Reiki I Certification:$ 175.00
Reiki is one of the most powerful modalities of health care and self love available today.
Learning Location of your major body organs and how your human body functions.
Learn how to incorporate Reiki in any medical treatment, recovery, and even mental health issues or diagnosis by your physician, or medical practitioner you are working with.
What you sense when you receive a Reiki session, is calm and balance of both sides of your brain, which has been scientifically proven. Discussing the 21 Day Body detox you will experience, after your attunement, What is a Reiki attunement ?
Reiki is evolving and changing and now it's time for you to grab the reins of your life and steer it. Reiki gives you Empowerment needed to deal with the unexpected stresses, loss of energy, and when you just need to breathe and regroup yourself, quickly and calmly.
Don't waste any more time. Reiki I Golden Pearl Healing and Higher Education
Manuel included, and Reiki I Certificate for your new journey of discovery.
Reiki Level 2
Reiki II Certification:$ 275.00
You will learn all aspects of Distant Healing, or surrogate absent healing techniques
when someone is not physically present.
Learn insight of your subtle body, life force energy of your aura and more.
Learn Boysen Scanning and Aura sweep, Beaming, grounding, dry bathing, and more, Discuss 21 day detox, and so much more.
Reiki II Golden Pearl Healing and Higher Education Manuel included in Reiki II, Attunement and Reiki II Certificate.
Reiki Level 3
Reiki III Master Certification: $375.00
Learn all aspects of Reiki III Master Level and Advanced Reiki Training.
The Reiki Grid, how to create for continuous Reiki Healing: You will need to bring
6 cleansed, Reiki charged quarts crystal points, 1 small amethyst, and I long point, your choice-size of small pinky finger (size) Bring a super small picture of yourself, Learning Ancient Symbols for healing.
Learning Reiki Master Hui Yin Exercise.
Learning master symbols for giving an attunement and sequence for Attuning your Reiki Students. 21 day detox of physical, emotional, mental, and
Reiki Master Golden Pearl Healing and Higher Education Manuel, Attunement, Reiki Master Certificate.
All classes start promptly at 10:00 am , on date you signed up for.* Doors open at 9:30 for those Excited to meet your teacher, seating choice, and calming yourself before class.
* Bring water or drink. Never (no alcohol) allowed on premises for any reason! *
Bring a brown bag lunch we break for 1 hour for lunch. Your Reiki Manual will be given in Class.
All levels include a Reiki Attunement and will be given last before leaving along with your Reiki Certificate.
For anyone who would like to receive a Reiki I Attunement for healing yourself, spouse, your children, your pets, without having to take certification classes, here's your chance for $100,00
In Person or Long Distance.
Also available Reiki HEALING Attunement ONLY $50.00
In Person or long distance,